Worlds largest Tattoo Layout Site running for 4 years + Traditional American traditional patriotic Tattoos

 Miami ink has been the world’s largest tattoo design layout site with alot of american Traditional and patriotic tattoos for the choosing.The selection that you are seen available too arent like any other i’ve experienced The selection ranges from holdiays like christmas to saint patricks day, lol, i mean its huge.One of the things that make this Tattoo layout membership site one of the best in the world is the saftey tutorials and training tutorials that come with the membership of this website.The second thing is the low cost for membership im currently working on an full body cast of american traditional memorials and holidays from the selection and im having every tattoo that i have linked with those tiny to big filled in stars.. Its going to make me look soo intergalactic 🙂 im going to color the stars grey and black i will post the pic as soon as i get the swag just right so be on the look out.

                    When i was tattoo-less i was around 16  i consider my self a loser because i wasnt allowed to wear tattoos because my parents thought it wasnt the right thing to do and kind of against the family rules and religion, my family being kinda strict in the things we put on our bodies 😦 but later he lightened up after i was toward his asking about getting a Patriotic tattoo with a picture of the american flag on my right arm.Sence my dad was plenty patriotic he let me 😛

Quality Downloads Of American Heritage and Traditional Tattoo’s

Finding a great variety of high-quality

here you can get connected to miami ink to start membership and searching for your best  american traditional tattoo for your style
here you can get connected to miami ink to start membership and searching for your best american traditional tattoo for your style

downloadable tattoo layouts that won’t break the bank is hard to find. Most website’s give you their layout for 4 to 5 seconds then you would have to follow them to continue with the service and they charge up to 20 to 75 dollars for a large printable layout for your artist… lol .. That was just too much for me because I was going full body cast.

Great for you,The website Listed in the first post above (with low-cost membership) will provide training video’s, tutorials ,help video’s safety video, over 30,000 tattoo layout’s and more uploaded every week.with miami ink you just dont get the vast array of printable cool tattoo designs you also get alot of tutorial and nmember